Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pomatomus FO!

Finally, these socks are conquered, over, and done with! I was working on the gusset and foot of the second sock at Shannon's birthday, and despite the snapping of a bamboo dpn (the second snapped stick from what was a set of five) I scrounged a metal size 2US from my bag (huzzah!) and finished the pair in time to wear to bed.

Of course it got rather humid all of a sudden and I had to take them off, but it was enjoyable while it lasted.

Most of the girls had at some point during the night inquired after the sock-in-progress, and by the time the last end was sewn in I had an audience to witness their maiden voyage. The birthday girl's mom knits, though only garter stitch scarves, so when she showed interest in the repeated pattern, the chart, and where to procure instructions for other projects, I directed her to Knitty. There are more awesome patterns to be had there. The only downside to this happily worn pair of socks was that I was left with just that-a pair of socks...and nothing else to knit the whooooooole night long :(

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