Saturday, August 8, 2009

Too Much of a Good Thing

I love seamless knits. I love knits for the extremities. Put those together, and you get lots and lots and LOTS of socks, mittens, gloves, and hats. All circular, of course. Hence the seamless part. (Insulting to point out, I know).

But now I'm suddenly tired of it! I've been utilizing circulars and dpns for months now. Not one back-and-forth project in what feels like forever. I'm craving garter stitch, pure wool, and beautiful, fabulous, STRAIGHT needles! Something mindless I can knit while watching TV, without having to miss all the action scenes, or at least the knitwear on the characters. Something long enough where I don't have to worry about it running out partway through a South Park marathon. Instead of small-scale noggin toppers, I want...scarves! No stripes, no color work, no multis or ombres. One plain, solid color. Red! A long, red, garter stitch scarf knit in warm, delicious wool!

All this, I want in August. And it WILL happen!

I'm sure of it!

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