Friday, November 14, 2008

Finally! Contact!

My lack of knitters in the real world has caused me to take action. I am now online at the Knitty Coffee Shop, under teenage_knit_wit. Forums galore, both knitting related and not. Lot's of fun. I have actually found some SnB's in the area on there, but since I feel iffy about revealing my location and meeting up with people I don't think there's any help there. I'll have to go local sometime when I don't have karate, and hop down to the group that meets at the local coffee shop.

I also have procured a Ravelry under teenageknitwit, and though it is in it's early stages of organization the ability to look up almost any project and see everyone else's FO's b4 diving in has me hooked. I'm thrilled.

Thirdly, I brought a dk black scarf to work on in between acts of my school musical, and got some interest from my friends! One of the girls from my softball team had learned and forgotten, and wants me to reteach her. Another friend has never knit in her life, but wants to try it out. On top of that, all of my other friends were intrigued, at least to the point of pensively watching the process while they talked to me. Maybe I don't need to find a teen knitting circle around here...maybe I need to create one from scratch! We'll see if it amounts to anything.

Oh, and I finished the Banana Berry scarf, fringed it, and handed it over. It was much appreciated. Job well done! :)

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