Saturday, January 16, 2010

Goodies Galore!

I have skipped quite a few planned posts, but trying to backtrack just keeps me from writing frequently enough. So.

My Great Aunt Nan and Great Aunt Mary are both fabulous knitters over on the west coast, living in lovely Oregon. And each have been awesome enough to send me some surprises in the mail this past month :)  I couldn't be happier! Everything is "da bomb!"

First, Aunt Nan had been e-mailing me about a cross stitch (as in a knitting stitch/technique) pattern she had finished on a scarf, and when I didn't find anything online, she offered to send it to me. Curious as ever, I waited around and came! Along with three sets of...Addi Turbos! She's confirmed the fact that they do in fact make you knit faster, and as soon as I get all of these offers for paid jobs out of the way, (you would think people would realize they should ask in the summer when I actually have time, but whatever), I'm definitely trying some magic loop with those! Knitting on two circulars? Oo, now I can give that a whirl, too! I'll have to time myself.

I don't have the picture on the computer, but the scarf has plenty of texture due to the cross stitch. It's really similar to the bottom of a beach bag I knit a while ago, but this seems to be a little less obnoxious to actually carry out. Hopefully I'll find some hand dyed stuff on sale on KnitPicks when I go shopping for mitten yarn, and can get one of those churned out myself. I can't waaaaaaait!

And just this week, Aunt Mary sent me a Beka loom! Someone gave her an ultra nice one for free, and she sent her old one out east for me (and my sister, if she's interested) to learn to weave! Sure, we both have learned the extreme basics in art class, but this is a tad different...

I haven't the slightest idea of how to work it yet, but I'm pretty proud that I actually managed to put the thing together! Hopefully with the help of Youtube and an old school instructional book, I'll be on my way fairly soon!


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