Thursday, January 29, 2009


Well well well...with my share of midterms over, I have no school today through sunday, and figured I'd at least get a the Butterfly Socks done, if not one of my scarves-in-progress as well. Ha. Fate had other ideas...

My poor little Millie, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the younger of my two dogs, has been sick for a few days and really kicked it up a notch last night :( I won't go into unpleasant gory details, but I have been put on round-the-clock dog duty so my dad can meet his work deadlines and my mom can actually get into her office today. My sister has school this fine thursday since the elementary kids don't have midterms, so I have no one to give me a little knit break. *sigh* I just suppose I'll have to content myself with my FO victories as of late, and try to remember not to get too can't have everything in life after all!

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