Monday, June 9, 2008

Slow Going

Summer approaches, and everything seems to be dragging on at a snail's pace. This is typical, but never has this carried through to my knitting. At least, it never has until very recently and quite frankly I am rather irked.

Here's what I mean...last Friday, I started the second Slippery sock. That was six days ago. It should be finished, and would be under usual circumstances. Is it done?


Honestly, I'm starting to get worried. What could possibly cause this evil phenomenon? Second sock syndrome? I think not. This pattern is too interesting for that. Friends? No. I don't usually get the chance to have them over throughout the week because of all of my advanced classes and the homework that results. My parents would most likely say "boyfriend," but i haven't seen him much outside of school either. Even extracurriculars are starting to end as summer begins. What else does my life consist of? School. Only the upcoming Regents could have such a strong effect on my knitting. At least it will be summer soon, and I'll have all the time in the world for all of my unfinished projects!

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