Monday, November 17, 2008

Ironic, Isn't It?

I obtained a Ravelry in the hopes of organizing my knitting supplies.

I joined the Knitty coffeeshop to become connected with other knitters.

My blog was to share my knitting with any who may wish to check it out.

All were to help my knitting skill along the way.

The irony?

I am online so often my knitting itself is being replaced by it.

I think I need to step away from the keyboard now...

And start a sweater for my dog.

She's super skinny.

It started snowing today and she needs the warmth! :)

1 comment:

ZantiMissKnit said...

Ha ha, I spend much more time on knitting-related forums that I do actually knitting.

It's also been pointed out to me that my incoming yarn ratio is much higher than my outgoing finished projects.
