Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Nothing to do with knitting, but lots of fun. I ended up going to one of my best guy friend's house for the big night. Initially we weren't supposed to go trick-or-treating, since there were enough of us that there was a little concern about us emptying the neighborhood's candy bowls. We went anyway though, and I ended up traversing the waterfront with a hippie, a cat, a princess, the Grim Reaper, Edward Scissor hand, a south-of-the-border dude, and my personal favorite-a ticked off m&m. (Meaning one of my guy friends showed up in only a werewolf mask, stating he had worn this every Halloween since sixth grade because his mom won't buy him another costume. But with a quickly borrowed outfit, he combined the two and became a ticked off m&m). Myself? I went as a pirate, using what I could still locate of the costume from two years ago.

So after covering part of the neighborhood, we headed back to the house, inhaled two huge pizzas in 10 minutes and proceeded to watch Shutter, a horror movie perfect for Halloween night. (It was unrated, which had us on our guard, but we dutifully fast-forwarded through anything questionable and instead paid attention to the creepy spirit terrorizing a young American couple temporarily living in Tokyo. Unexpected ending. Usually horror movies are so outrageous in plot and storyline that they don't even make a 4 on my rating scale, but this one may have made 6 or so. Not bad at all.

So it was a great Halloween, and I got much more candy than I should have considering the amount of the block the actually visited. I hope it goes as well next year-here's a late Happy Halloween for you!

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