Today was dubbed by my parents a day for housework all around. Of course with that came cleaning my room; and my room is full of...yarn! So in the hopes of becoming more efficient and reducing the number of yarn containers I use, I grabbed a huge Tupperware bin and rearranged all of my other baskets and boxes into new categories. Yet somehow I still have the same number of boxes and baskets as I did when I started, only one is too big to keep on my bookshelf and has no other place to go. At first I sat there and tried to comprehend how a larger container could yield the same amount of space-but then I realized that the others were no longer spilling over with their contents, and the skeins were no longer falling on the floor every time i went to take one out. Whatever, I guess it's a fair trade-space for time.
More surprising-in a good way-was what I gained cleaning out my WIP basket. I sorted thought, tossing the projects I new I would never finish: a beach bag with screwed-up bottom, a flower washcloth that was abandoned after three petals, a scarf who's yarn somehow disappeared. Some others were not abandoned, but altered into sudden completion. A shawl for my mom was first-one of my dogs had chewed an end of the circular needle off 15 inches into it. But with a separate size 11 needle I bound it off, fringeless, for my sister's American Girl doll :) Ta-da!!! I had yet another shawl in the works for my mom anyway after that, so no biggie. The other improv FO was a super funky scarf, the Fibonacci Numbers Scarf from Knitty Gritty. I only had a foot or two done, but it was made of about ten different kinds of yarn, most of which have been misplaced or used. So...I bound it off, sewed the ends together, and got a cowl out of it!
So-instant gratification has a whole new meaning now. Wait long enough to go back to a WIP, and it's almost like you never actually had to knit on it in the first place-just bind off and wear. Cinchy.
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