...has become knit time! My supervisor is one of the home ec teachers, and she also happens to be an avid knitter! Not in study hall, but still. We make good conversation.
She had brought a huge bin of novelty yarns into class the other day, and after wrapping up my notes on the French Revolution I skipped over to see what she was up to. (I was a little sore from craning my neck to sneak glances for an entire hour, not gonna lie). Turns out, she went to a fiber fest in Georgia, and one of the classes was all about taking scrap yarn and tying it all up into one huge skein to use as a scarf or whatever. Very cool! My little freshman buddy Alex had entered the room at that point, and decided that SHE wanted to learn to knit too! So guess who taught her?
Yes! The following Monday, our supervisor brought in needles and wool from her classroom, and I showed her the basics of garter stitch. Tuesday, she learned purl. And all the while, the tech teacher whose room we're assigned to chuckled at the visual of the three of us, all within six inches of her needles, holding our breath as we watched Alex agonize over each, painstaking stitch. I even brought my sock knitting, doing a pretty good job of ignoring all of the stares from everyone else in the room. I must say, it'll be nice to have one more friend who is as addicted as I am! She's HOOKED.
Literally. She's a crocheter, too.
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