I love love love love love love love this hat!!!

(As modeled by my sister).
I found the pattern on Ravelry, and am so glad I did! I had been planning on starting it for a while now, and even bothered to buy the specific yarn suggested (a rare occurrence on my part). I had carefully pondered...do I stay true to the movie with a sewn crown? Or knit the highly attractive decreases written into the pattern? I finally figured I prefer knitting to sewing, and I'm also better at knitting, so the decreases were my best bet. Besides, as a steek virgin I'm not yet ready to stitch and cut my knitting! (Excuse the blurriness of the next picture...it was taken on the fly).

The alternate cable cast on used to start this project was quite the ordeal, and I must confess I spent some of the time wondering how much I really needed this supposedly more attractive edge. My ribbing would look fine with a long tail cast on, wouldn't it? It's stretchy enough for socks, it'll be fine for a hat. How much better can it be, really? In the end though, I loved the result. The ribbing is plump and present from the very beginning, instead of being restricted by a fine line. I'll probably end up using it again if I ever get the to the 3-4 Year Hogwarts Scarf, as if I plan to bind off in pattern, I may as well begin the same way right?
I can't wait to start Hermione's Cable and Bobble Hat from Charmed Knits to continue adding to my wizard-style wear! As the Hogwarts climate dictates, Harry Potter knitwear is always super warm, and thanks to the fact that it was in, ya know, a movie, super stylish! I'm just unsure of whether to go up a needle size or two to fit my large noggin, and if I do, whether or not to use a slightly chunkier yarn than the Patons Merino Wool I was planning on. I may have to even track down the suggested yarn! Yikes! That would be twice in a row now!
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