Saturday, April 11, 2009


Though hardly a lazy Saturday morning, today started off well with a 10:00 softball practice with all the girls and plenty of fair bunts on my part :) So proud!!! The aftermath of a chilly two hours running around outside was a cold brought back on with a new vengeance, so the rest of the day was spent indoors. I knit on the Selbuvotter #1 gloves I started a few days ago, and managed to make it past the pinkie and onto the ring finger. Granted I've had to frog the same ring finger three times, but that's beside the point. I'm using the same yarn as last time, Regia, only with red and white instead of red and black to shake things up a bit. Looks pretty sweet if I do say so myself, and it matches my jersey for cold games spent on the bench. The best part? My set of five size 2US dpns are occupied, so I went hunting for a size 3US to work with my set of four...and actually found a misfit size 2US at the bottom of my dpn canister! Beast!

Of course three froggings has driven me to drop the set for a day or so, but fear not-knitting has yet to be forsaken. My Coupling socks still grace my feet, underneath the hem of my cheery pink-and-yellow flannel pj pants.

I think it's time for tea.

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