Sunday, February 1, 2009


Another FO!!! Yayyy!!! It also happens to be my first felted project ever :) During a jaunt up into the attic to put away some remnants from other projects, I saw the unshrunk version of this sticking out of my basket...

It was the second of a pair of checkered slippers from Knit One, Felt Too! on my missing size 11US 16 inch circular needles. I finished it and put the pair in the wash during one of my favorite romantic comedies, dried them in a few hours on my radiator while I was at the gym, and tried them on. Too big, and one was a size larger than the other. Drat. So half of another wash cycle later, they were rinsed, wrung, stuffed, and dried yet again overnight on my bedside radiator. I awoke on Saturday to a pair of fuzzy, felted slippers just for me! They may not be the prettiest slippers ever (the top seam still glares at me), but they're sooo warm and perfect for a drafty Victorian full of hardwood floors, and best of all I made them myself :) Will have to venture into felting again sometime soon...maybe a pair of eyelash slippers, or a Suki bag from Knitty.
Oh, and I am officially halfway on another project too...the black dk scarf for Becca? I finally procured the second skein of Red Heart Super Saver in black, and am just about to move to the second skein once I finish this blog post...

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