Sorry for my absence, but the first few weeks of high school are proving mentally taxing. Jammed lockers, obnoxiously complicated schedules rotating on a two-week basis (no, I'm not kidding. Two weeks.) and having to plan hairstyle and clothing around P.E. like never before due to the increased length of the class compared to middle school. It's exhausting, and some of the seniors in my advanced classes look like they eat freshman for breakfast, but it's all becoming easier and easier. I'm sure my views will change once I have to bring the baby simulator home for child psych, but this is going to continue to be a positive day so let's not think about that.
I'm thinking about terminating the Pomatomus socks...charted designs are great for boring summer days, but they make it hard to relax after trig homework and musical practice. Not that I'll cheat my friend out of the pair of socks-she'll need the calm, as she happens to be bringing home the baby simulator tomorrow, but I'm thinking I want something that doesn't need that degree of concentration. Ha, i mock myself as the exhaustion of the day makes me delusional. I was about to suggest I dk the socks, two at a time, one inside the other. That would defeat the purpose of simplification. Silly me. That would be cruel. I'll save that for when I'm so emotionally numb from bio lab write-ups that I need to be shocked awake :) Haha omg I'm so sleep deprived...I'd better go do something about that.
Hey, where'd the font selection go? If anyone has any idea what happened to it let me know I miss my old font choice :( lol
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